Monday, January 31, 2011


Farming in the border

Farmer Lakhan singh was dreaming about the good harvest that he is going to take on next day.  Last year it was draught all over the region and he couldn’t do the farming.  But his year rain was good and the bank was kind enough to give some loans.  By that loan Lakhan Singh purchased seed and manure and he along with the family   worked hard.

He heard a roaring sound from the distance which he couldn’t understand what it was.   Gradually the sound reached closer .  A big fleet of military trucks are coming. What is happening, he don’t know.  All the villages woke up and gathered. 

The fleet of vehicles stopped and one officer announced to the villagers in the midnight that the neighbouring country is planning to attack, and the military will take this area for an indefinite period. The moon was spreading the golden veil on the desert village. The golden fields were shining. But . Tension with the neighbouring country is in the peak.

 The villagers  requested thy officer to give time for their harvest, but they  are not allowed.  The villagers couldnot sleep, the men and women weep, as they don’t have ay other source of income other than the harvest to be taken. Children are sleeping, some woke up and crying.

The nexrt morning with the rays of sun, military started thei work.  They  took possession of the entire area, evicted the villagers from their house and farms, they installed mines in the fields.  Tanks and arms deployed everywhere , and the villagers are lead to a temporary camp, which was made overnight by the military.

Lakhan Singh was losing his conscious, as he has nothing to hope.  The administration will pay compensation for the crops., but when ?  He and his neighbours approached the officers to allow the harvest.   But the officers were helpless, as they were ordered by their seniors, that the village lies in a strategic point and no compromise will done with the security.  So the area was packed with tanks, canons, rocket launchers and other weapons and a huge number of jawans.

The military prevente4d them to enter their lands because the mines were planted everywhere.  But who can prevent the farmer from harvest his crops, in which his sweat of hard work is transformed to the pearls of grain . If he cannot harvest it, how can the loans to be repaid ?  How can he feed the children ?

It was night and the farmer  of the desert, Lakhan singh wanted to get his crops  harvested.  After two days Lakhan Singh discovered the areas, where military people are not  present nearby his land.  He decided to  cut some crop and entered the land .  He looked here and there and started cutting the golden wheat.  Nobody were watching.  He progressed forward with the thrust to get all the wheat cut, but  it happened the blast . Pieces of his body  and blood spread all over the golden wheat field.